Resource Planning to avoid "rolling door" effect


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Many business companies have a new schizophrenic (i.e., disorganized thinking) behavior by hiring and firing in sequence. Short story long, it is about missing analysis that leads to missing planning, even for financing, and therefore missing resource planning and overall miss risk management. We can see the consequences in the medium to large companies, where they need to achieve short-term results (e.g., shareholders are not happy if they do not get dividends). CEOs appoint well-known consulting companies to "justify their choices". They develop a "restructuring plan" in year x and a "growth plan" in year x+1 or x+2, afterword the cycle starts again. They do not plan long term, anticipating and managing the economic cycles. Many basic disciplines in project management can support and sustain the business management at a corporate level. Hence, looking at issues like market, regulation, finance, resources, competencies, and supply chain, a professional project management perspective can help companies avoid this schizophrenic behavior. A good plan of the corporate resources, which considers the environment in which the business
operates, will lead to sustainable business management.  

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