
Showing posts from May, 2018

Cryptocurrencies: is the system really free from intermediaries?

Bitcoin has been the start of a revolution in the digital age. The coin was made because of the failures in the bank system (e.g., financial crisis in the past 10 years). The systems were designed to be free from intermediaries (e.g., the banks, the exchanges). Is it still the case? If you want to start playing in such market you need to utilize exchange platforms, in many cases ruled by individuals or companies that are located in fiscal heavens. As an alternative, if you have already your wallet, you might use one of the exchanging machines (e.g., SBB ticket machines). In both cases, you will be charged a fee, for example, SBB originally charged 6% . Hence, the answer to the question is not:  you need an intermediary . Most of the exchange platforms are not secure, meaning that you should check their reputation first, and you should not hold your wallet, nor your private key, online. In fact, there have been many cases of security accidents . At the end of 2017, we have se...

How to build your cyber resilience

The recent issues with Facebook and Twitter highlight that building a strong cyber resilience management system is not easy. We have seen that such system involves both technical aspects and as well as human behaviors. The scope of this article is to provide a short overview of cyber resilience management in private organizations and public offices. Let's take a step back and start with the basics. Definition Some years ago, we could have thought about cybersecurity like something related to preventing unwanted accesses to information within the fence of a company. Hence, prevent not authorized people to access company information system has been historically a “job” for the IT personnel. In today world the situation is more complicated. Think about BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), or the possibility to cooperates with partners and suppliers. The borders are so extended that the decision makers should not ask the question "if" an accident may happen but ...

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) explained

The 25th of May is an important day for all individuals living in Europe. The new law for data protection will enter in force therefore companies holding personal data are running to align their systems with the new law. Below there is a video posted that introduce this law.