Internet of Things in 2018 and Security Issues
The picture above shows that currently many companies are working to introduce new products in the market. However, we all know that these devices will expand the boundary of our cyberspace . With the current competition: How many of these products will be tested to have an acceptable level of protection against cyber attacks? On the other hand, how many consumers are aware about the risks? For example: How many consumers change the default password ? How many of these use a secure password? Do they know that every device (e.g. Blu-ray player, TV set, camera monitor) is a potential target for a DDoS, or a potential zombie computer for a botnet ? Being victim of a cyber attack is a problem for an individual and is costly for businesses. A manufacturing facility or a power plant can lose a lot of money (thousands if not millions of dollars a day) when their operations are compromised due to a vulnerability. It is important to establish a str...